In-game name: Lloyd|ROCKS.. or Lloyd|WHATEVER.. it's always Lloyd but I change the last word for fun. :P Any old names: Usually it's Lloyd.. I used to spell my name with 1 L, but started using 2 L's because I liked it, I probably had some random names too but I don't remember those anymore.
Age: 18
Sex: Male / Female? Male.
Where are you from: The Netherlands.
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome): Well I guess everybody has his own way of defining "awesome" but compared to others that don't have English as their 1st language, I can say I'm pretty awesome.
How long have you been playing et wolf: probably 4 to 5 years, with breaks ofcourse.
Have you been in a clan before: I've been in some random small clans that disappeared after 2 weeks, I've also been an {AR} member which was a clan that didn't care about skills, it was more like a big family.
after {AR} shut down I've never been in a clan anymore, mainly because there was no such feeling as "family" just jealousy and hate towards higher ranked members.
I hope to find that feeling in PIMP.
If yes, then which: Read above.
Why you left them: Never left a clan, stayed there till they closed down.
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers: Yes.
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our ET pro sever (2.6b): I will download the patch as soon as possible.
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch: So basicly I'll have to install ET 2 times and update 1?
XP on our server: around 1700-2000
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP* photobook: that's me, but I edited it a bit... :P
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes: Yes I will definitely be active at the forums, like you guys know there's no time for chatting when you're in a gunfight, the forums are where the discussions take place, love it.
Have you read our server and member rules: I've read them all.
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them: Yes.
If yes, explain further please: I just wonder why we can't use bad language if it's not towards another person, like "my ****ing head is aching", if you wouldn't like me using bad language I can adapt and be a good boy.
Will you be available for trainings: Yes, ofcourse school goes first :P
Reason to join us: well I'd like to be in a clan that have a mature player base and that aren't just jealous at each other for being more skillful or having a higher rank.
And I think I can find that all in the PIMP clan.
Can you DONATE us: Nope, I got some sort of a personal rule for not donating to anything on the internet, but I might donate in the future.
If yes, then how much: No idea.
Msn, XFIRE(IMPORTANT), skype etc:
(if not, make xfire account and post your account name here)
Also I would like to add that I started mapping again and I'm probably going to make a map soon and I might dedicate it to the PIMP server, not that it would influence getting accepted because it would be like buying myself a place inside.
I've been using photoshop for about 5 years now and I got some skills, so if you ever need like a new header for the website...