Before i actually fill in the application i just wanna state why i am joing and what is happening .. I have been in contact with some of the older admins and they have asked for help with some of you newer / younger admins ..
Me joing PIMP is just me helping Spy and PIMP with issues ..
However .. i am in a clan called PhReaKz ... and i will still be in PhReaKz ...
Now before you all start moaning and things .. i ahve discussed this with my leaders and Spy and they have agreed for me to join you guys JUST TO HELP ..
I have agreed to wear the PIMP tag but i will not be removing the *PhReaK* tag .. i will playing as *PIMP*BladEPhReaK
i repeat .. THIS IS NOT A PERMINANT THING .. just to help you guys out with admin situations and when we feel comfertable i have done what is needed .. iw ill be removing the tag
hope you guys understand .. now the app form ...
In-game name: BladEPhReaK (but name i will be explained above)
Any old names: NumaNumaKid
Where are you from: UK, England
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome): Awsome - spelling may be bad tho as i am dislexsik ..
How long have you been playing et wolf: 3 or 4 years with nealy 6 or 7 month break
Have you been in a clan before: Yes
If yes, then which: [WaZ], |SBG, *PIMP*, [WaZ] again ..
Why you left them: [WaZ] was dead at start .. |SBG - had personal probs with them .. *PIMP* - lost intrest in ET .. [WaZ] - joined cod 4 server then clan died ..
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers: i can try but i have early hours work ...
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch: Yes
XP on our server: Not sure .. Reinstalled since
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP* photobook: I did give u one last time dont no if u still got it ..
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes: Definatly
Have you read our server and member rules: Definatly
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them: Definatly not
If yes, explain further please:
Will you be available on Weekend's afternoon for training: Doubtfull
Reason to join us: Help clan with admin / member reasons
Can you DONATE us: Unfortunatly not .. low on cash
If yes, then how much:
Your current SplatterLadder rating(any link?): idk
Splatterladder highest rank and rate: idk
Rating you believe you can get: idk
Msn, XFIRE(IMPORTANT), skype etc: thebladewarrior STEAM - BladeWarrioR01
(if not, make xfire account and post your account name here)
Kind Regards
BladE / Dan
Hope you all understand