In-game name: rOotZz+
Any old names: .$k@DespAir // -ps*DispAir // n1.DispAir // DespAir#070 // *PIMP*Av3nger // aC.Ryu and more Age: 14
Where are you from: HOLLAND World champions~!!!!!!
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome): Awesome!! no i think medium/good
How long have you been playing et wolf: dunno
Have you been in a clan before: yes
If yes, then which: *PIMP* // .$k@ // -Fun/ // n1. // -ps* // r070 // aC. and more
Why you left them: clan died most times
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers: yup
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch: yup
XP on our server: dunno
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP* photobook: ofc
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes: I am very active on forums...
Have you read our server and member rules: nope
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them: nope
If yes, explain further please: nope
Will you be available on Weekend's afternoon for training: I need training Xd JK i think i can
Reason to join us: Biksels and rotjoch
Can you DONATE us: nope
If yes, then how much: nothing
Your current SplatterLadder rating(any link?): now 21 with .$k@DespAiR
Splatterladder highest rank and rate: 22.15 ( medic class ) rank 15 i guess with n1.DispAir
Rating you believe you can get: 22 but dont gonna play for rate
Msn, XFIRE(IMPORTANT), skype etc: dispear0
(if not, make xfire account and post your account name here)