In-game name:Bunny,noStyLor,kriiMeLkee Any old names:Shoxx!
Sex: Male / Female? idk but i think im male atm
Where are you from:GERMANY! s... he..
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome):i think im pretty good
How long have you been playing et wolf:since 21th of june 2010
Have you been in a clan before:idk not really
If yes, then which:*PIMP*,FzH'(old ETPro-group of Dane.,MLi and SKy and long time played with guys from etproclans
When and why you left them:maybe i was a pain
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch: yes sir!
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers:i hope i could,but i have to play more!
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our NQ-server:same
XP on our server:46000!
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP*/|WZ| photobook:sure ladies and gentlemen
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes:every day!
Have you read our server and member rules:sure
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them:no?
If yes, explain further please:woot?
Will you be available for trainings/scrims (download et2.6b for this!!):i can play scrims!
Reason to join WZ:i like you guys and the server,omi and mutti are my new brothers and black is our dad :p Added: Scout
Can you DONATE us:sry,no im underage
If yes, then how much:wott?
What is your XFire (IMPORTANT: if u donthave, please MAKE one and post it here!!):snipercohshox
After 20days inactive with no reason you get kicked, do you understand!sure m8s
Be active on your apply!!