In-game name: [RGM]STiRB
Any old names: [][][]-KING-CHRIS-[][][], TWR-CHRIS , Uri Geller ??? ,[RGM]Chris Age:15
Sex: Male
Where are you from: Germany
How long have you been playing et wolf:1.5 years
Have you been in a clan before: yes
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers:Yes
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our ET pro sever (2.6b): yea
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch:Yes
XP on our server:2,315 xp but I DONT NO why 96 k resetet
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP* photobook:Yes
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes:Yes
Have you read our server and member rules:no i will make it
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them:No
If yes, explain further please:
Will you be available for trainings:Yes
Reason to join us: The member are all friendly ad i play very often when i have time
Can you DONATE us:
If yes, then how much:
X-fire : elitechristoph