In-game name: Gentleman Any old names: rVd80y
Age: 16
Sex: Male / Female? None
Where are you from: France france france
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome): Perfect...or good....or medium...oh u'll see
How long have you been playing et wolf: About 3-4 years if my memory is good
Have you been in a clan before: yeayeayea
If yes, then which: PIMP, Sk&, eXs
Why you left them: PIMP : Wanted to join Sk& ( a rating clan) sk& : stopped ET eXs : i discovered that i hate rating clans !
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our servers: 5 on PIMP serv..i can try but its hard woth school
Can you play at least 5 hours a week on our ET pro sever (2.6b) : no i wont do that
Have you loaded both 2.5 and 2.6b ET patch: I can try ! (i've already try 2 times...and it was a big failure
XP on our server: about 1500 :s
Can you give us your picture for the *PIMP* photobook: already done (im soooo beautiful)
Can you visit our forums and post sometimes: what a question
Have you read our server and member rules: Yea at least 57 times
Do you see anything that you cannot follow on them: plop
If yes, explain further please: plop
Will you be available for trainings: If i can load this damn 2.60
Reason to join us: Wanna see my Pimpies
And break Lega's ass
Can you DONATE us: Can i pay in kind ?
If yes, then how much: 5 sheeps and 3 cows
Msn, XFIRE(IMPORTANT), skype etc: xfire : gentlemanet
(if not, make xfire account and post your account name here)
I say F1